Parameter DictionaryΒΆ

The gep_onsset can get overwhelming for a new user - or even for experienced ones :) - due to the number of parameters, variable and naming conventions used. The following table aims to provide a brief explanation of common parameters one might encounter in the process.

Dataset Data Type Units Description
Country String   The official name of the country. Capital first letter
Country code String   Official country code as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
Start year Integer year The year to be used as starting point of the analysis (Base year). All input data should be allighed to this year
End year Integer year The final year of the analysis defining the modelling period
Discount Rate Float Percentage (8% used) Rate used for discounting bills of exchange
Settlement Area Float square kilometers (km2) Size of the settlement. This can be dynamic, in case a cluste based approach is adopted or static, in case a grid cell approach is adopted.
Plant Capacity Float Kilowatts (kW) Size of plant
Investment Cost Float USD/Kilowatts ($/kW) Cost per unit of installed capacity
Operation and Maintenance Cost Float Percentage Percentage of Investment Cost per Year
Capacity Factor Float Ratio (0-1) Ratio of actual electrical energy output over a given period of time to the maximum possible electrical energy output over that time
Expected Lifetime of Technology Float Years Average predicted lifespan for the technology
Base to Peak ratio Float Ratio (0-1) Ratio used to estimate peak load and therefore sizing of capacity necessary to cover peak load.
Fuel Price Float USD($) per liter Average price of fuel in the study area (specify for all applicable technologies)
Grid Electricity Generation Cost Float USD/kWh Expected average levelized cost of generating electricity for all power plants supplying rid electricity by the end year
Grid Generation Capacity Cost Float USD/kW Relative cost per capacity, weighted average value of mix of power plants on grid
Expected Lifetime of Technology Float Years Expected lifespan, weighted average value of mix of power plants on grid
Grid Extension Limit Float Kilometers Maximum distance of MV lines expansion
Capacity Factor Float Ratio (0-1) Ratio of actual electrical energy output over a given period of time to the maximum possible electrical energy output over that time
Grid Penalty Ratio Float Ratio (0-1) Obtained for each point depending on land cover, elevation, slope distance to roads and substations
Grid Extension Cost Ratio Float Percentage Percentage increase in cost transmission lines in every electrification loop; Set at 10%; used to represent line reinforsement.
Grid capacity ramp up limit Float MW Limit of additional grid based capacity that can be installed in the country in the defined timesteps
Base to Peak ratio Float Ratio (0-1) Ratio used to estimate peak load and therefore sizing of capacity necessary to cover peak load.
Expected Lifetime Float Years Lifespan of transmission and distribution line
HV line cost (108 kv) Float USD/Kilometer Cost of 108 kv per kilometer
HV line cost (69 kv) Float USD/Kilometer Cost of 69 kv per kilometer
MV line cost (33 kv) Float USD/Kilometer Cost of 33 kv per kilomters
MV line cost (11 kv) Float USD/Kilometer Cost of 33 kv per kilomters
LV line cost (.4 kv) Float USD/Kilometer Cost of .2 kv per kilometers
LV line cost (.2 kv) Float USD/Kilometer Cost of .2 kv per kilometers
HV to MV substation (1000 kVA) Float USD/unit Cost of substation per unit
MV to MV substation (400 kVA) Float USD/unit Cost of substation per unit
Service transformer (50 kVA) Float USD/unit Cost of substation per unit
Max LV line length Float km Maximum span of a single MV line (e.g. 0.5 km)
Load moment Integer kW m Used in LV line dimensioning process. An indicative value for a 50 mm aluminum conductor under 5% voltage drop is 9643 kW m
Maximun demand nodes served per transformer Integer nodes Maximum number of demand nodes to be served by service transformer
Additional Connection cost per household connected to the grid Float USD/Household Additional Connection cost per household connected to the grid
Additional Connection cost per household connected to the minigrid Float USD/Household Additional Connection cost per household connected to the minigrid
Transmission and Distribution Losses Float Percentage Percentage of Total transmission and distribution losses per year
Operation and Maintenences costs of distribution Float Percentage Percentage of total capital spend on O&M each year
MV line maximum reach (extension limit) Float Kilometer Maximum reach of MV line
Power factor Float   The ratio of the active power P (kW) to the apparent power S (kVA) and is used in sizing of transformers.
Population, start year Integer People Population at the beginning of the study
Population, end year Integer People Predicted population at the end fo the study
Urban share, start year Float Percentage Percentage of total population represented in urban communities, start of study
Urban share, end year Float Percentage Percentage of total population represented in urban communities, end of study
Number of people/house (urban) Float People/household Average household size in urban populations
Number of people/house (rural) Float People/household Average household size in rural populations
Current National Electrification Rate Float Percentage Percentage of electrified people in the country
Current National Electrification Rate Rural Float Percentage Percentage of rural electrified population in the country
Current National Electrification Rate Urban Float Percentage Percentage of urban electrifiedpopulation in the country
Urban cut off value Integer people Number of people above which a setlement can be considered Urban
Urban ratio modelled Float Percentage Urban ration identified by the model; used to crossvalicate the modelling approach
Minimum night light value Integer (0-64) Value that implies electrificatio activity; above this the settlement might be considered potentially electrified
Minimum distance to service transformers Float km Value that implies electrificatio activity; below this the settlement might be considered potentially electrified
Maximum distance to roads Float km Value that implies electrificatio activity; below this the settlement might be considered potentially electrified
Maximum distance to the grid network Float km Value that implies electrificatio activity; below this the settlement might be considered potentially electrified
Population cut off value Integer people Value that implies electrificatio activity; above this the settlement might be considered potentially electrified
Electrification rate modelled Float Percentage National electrification rate identified after modelling process; used to crossvalicate the modelling approach
Urban electrification rate modelled Float Percentage Urban electrification rate identified after modelling process; used to crossvalicate the modelling approach
Rural electrification rate modelled Float Percentage Rural electrification rate identified after modelling process; used to crossvalicate the modelling approach